Play by Joseph P. Krawczyk
Directed by Eddie Lew
With Kendra McNulty, Sean Phillips and Brent Shultz.
Assistant Director/SM: Laura Clinton
Lighting & Sound Designer: Marsh Shugart
Press Representative: Roger Gonzalez
Joel, a former combat veteran, shoulders the burden of his time in Afghanistan. He hears a Voice, asking him to go on a mission. He accepts the request, thinking it will relieve him of the stress he continues to feel. While trying to determine the direction he is about to take, he meets Virgil, who volunteers to help him, but Joel wants to accomplish this assignment alone. Virgil insists that they go together, but Joel prevents him from coming along until he realizes that he needs him more than he had thought. Facing a number of obstacles along the way, he finally arrives at his destination. He discovers that he has made this journey many times before, each time getting a better understanding of who he is and what he needs to do in the next chapter of his life.