In the summer of 1955, we find Chris Romero, a young business man making a name for himself in New York City. Taking an interest in a one-of-a-kind gold watch, he includes his partners Thomas Bonaldi and George Morales for financial support. Subsequently, the three friends find their way to Los Angeles, California to acquire the watch from a man named Johnny Bags.
Arriving in Los Angeles, they soon find out the watch was stolen. Determined not to leave empty handed, Chris meets a colleague to find out what’s going on. Like Chris, Thomas also meets with an old friend, Billy, who offers Tommy a deal of his own.
Complicated by the hunger for more money, Chris and Thomas plot against one another, leaving George stuck in between. As the men become embroiled in greed and underhanded schemes, the once strong friendship deteriorates. Leaving everyone to trust no one.
Written & Directed by James Rowe
Actors: James Rowe, Nicholas Bonaldi, Meeno Morales, Ian Hayes
April 2023